Back to the Front!
... the rumble of the engines...
....the stench of cordite, fuel oil and burning flesh...
....the dust and dirt thrown up by the shells and the fast spinning tracks....
....the challenge of trying to dodge out of the way as the tank you are following gets blown to smithereens in front of you....
....the bravery of the lone infantryman as he death or glory charges the hulking behemoth about to crush him in is fox hole....
If any of that appeals to you then Imperial Front is your thing.
Imperial Front is an
18,000 pt game
composed entirely of tanks or mechanised infantry, depicting one
of the mighty armoured clashes of the Armageddon campaign, in
which vast armies of Orks, Chaos and rebels attacked the hive
cities of the Imperium across the ash wastes. If
you've ever longed to play in a 40K game like the battle
of Kursk, this is it!
- Bring along a 1,500 point
tank army, and 2 copies of your army list - one to show your opponent(s).
You may only
select vehicles, or infantry mounted in a troop carrier.
- All
must be painted, and appropriately
converted if applicable. You
cannot field unpainted
vehicles. There will be no exceptions.
- 4th Edition Warhammer 40K rules will apply.
- Vehicle
Design Rules will NOT be used.
Armoured Companies: use the most recent Chapter Approved list published in WD 295.
Marine Codices, Chaos, Orks, Regular
Guard: for roster purposes, Heavy
Support choices count as Troops, and Troops become Heavy
(Hvy Support is now min 2 and max 6, Troops are now min 0 and
max 3)
- Imperial Armour:
selections can be fielded from any volume, with the appropriate
conversion or Forgeworld kit. Superheavies count as 3 Heavy
Support choices.
- No
Veteran Tank Skills (from Imperial Armour)
No infantry unless mounted in a
Flyers from Imperial Armour publications allowed, max 1 per army.
- Titans allowed
No Necron, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Feral
Orks, Tau, Tyranids.
You must register no later than midday Saturday. Please arrive by 7:00pm. Briefing is 7:15pm. Game commences 7:30pm sharp.
- The battle will be one
continuous table, 18 feet by 6 feet across.
- Turns will be synchronised along
the length of the table.
- The organisers will choose which
side you will join, either Allies of the Imperium or Enemies
of the Imperium. Each side will elect a general.
- Starting positions will be
chosen by the general.
- Each player will deploy along a
3' front up to 18" in.
- The game will use the Victory Points special rules.
- Once the battle starts, you can
attack any enemy unit on the opposing side. You will not be
limited to your original deployment zone.
You will be given a stack of
cards to prepare for your force - each of your
vehicles will have
a card listing its VP, which is
awarded to the player that knocks it out (completely
destroyed, or both immobilised and all
weapons destroyed).
- In addition, there will be
special objectives on each table, each of which will yield a
card. Army Command Vehicles will have a Bonus Points card if killed. Objectives will be
awarded to the player that gets there first, so long as they
still qualify to hold it at the end of the battle (e.g. unit
is above 50%, etc.).
- The battle will be six turns
duration, and will finish no later than 10:30pm.
- At the end of the battle, you
will count up the cards you have won by killing units or
taking objectives.
- There will be
three prizes: Best Player (highest overall points), Best Army
(player choice), and Tank Ace (single surviving vehicle with
most kills).
- All victory points will be added
together to determine which side wins
- Please e-mail any questions and army lists to invader@arsimagica.net or check the Tournament Forum on www.wargamerau.com for discussion on this and other tournaments in Australia.

With help from and special thanks to
Mark Morrisson and 